Changing Taipei tour plans again?
Our younger nephew was having stomach trouble in the morning.
It looked like we might have to amend our itinerary for this Day 3..
The initial plan for the day was to travel out of Taipei to the theme parks in Taoyuan and Hsinchu. Travelling in some hour-long distances by bus and possibly cabs are required.
I suggested: Why not we leave the theme parks for another day, and stay within Taipei county for touring? My wife agreed and on we go!

No sweat travel!
Any signs of stomach ailments among the 4 of us travellers was not unexpected.
Remember reading here how we were prepared with our medicines?
We were actually glad the signs appeared this early in the tour, in hope the boy could soon “acclimatize” to the new environment and enjoy his tour with us! And enjoyed he did! 🙂
Our star rating:
[rating: 1/5] Yawn! We will pass!
[rating: 2/5] Yeah! We love to tour! :-]
[rating: 3/5] Yippee! We want more! ;->
[rating: 4/5] Yoohoo! We love Taipei, Taiwan! ;-D
Day 3, 21 Nov. Friday..
1. MRT travel.
[rating: 2/5]
From Ximen to Danshui station.
2. Exploring Danshui riverfront town.
[rating: 4/5]
Shopped, ate, played games along Danshui old streets.
3. Short ferry ride.
[rating: 2/5]
From ferry point to Pali left bank in about 6 minutes.
4. Enjoyed Pali waterfront.
[rating: 3/5]
Relaxed along Pali waterfront.
5. Tea in the outdoors.
[rating: 3/5]
Had tea-time snack at playground space, Pali riverfront..
6. Return ferry trip.
From Pali left bank to Danshui ferry point.
7. MRT travel from Danshui station to Jiantan station.
Took free shuttle bus ride to Miramar entertainment park!
8. Miramar entertainment park!
[rating: 4/5]
Dinner at Geant (now A-mart) building foodcourt. Shopped Geant hypermart. Hilarious ride in ferris wheel, before bus ride back to Jiantan MRT station.
9. Thronged Shilin night market.
[rating: 3/5]
Ate into the night market streets, packed snack takeaways, then cab ride to hotel.
10. Hotel chill out time.
[rating: 3/5]
Night snacking comfort again!