5. Taiwan typhoon, earthquake, air quality and others
Taipei Taiwan travelers, take note!
Stay updated on typhoon, earthquake, air quality and other environmental concerns affecting your travel in Taipei, Taiwan.
Taiwan’s CWB site has sections and info on these natural disasters. Let’s check them out!

Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau
Open Taiwan’s CWB English site, if you have not done so:
Taiwan typhoon
Taiwan lies in the path of strong damaging storms and cyclones known in Asia as typhoons (taifeng). According to Go2Taiwan.net, an average of about 4 typhoons hit Taiwan yearly, in the season from July to October.
Check Taiwan typhoon
Tip 5.1: Find out all about typhoon affecting Taiwan in the Typhoons link on the left menu.
FAQ for Typhoon
A FAQ for Taiwan typhoon can be found as you explore CWB. Fun read: FAQ for Typhoon.
Taiwan earthquake
Taiwan sits in the edges where the Eurasian and Philippine plates meet and collide, making the island one of the most earthquake-prone places on earth. Read more Taiwan geography from this Wikipedia page.
Check Taiwan earthquake
Tip 5.2: Find out all about earthquakes affecting Taiwan in the Earthquakes link on the left menu.
FAQ for Earthquake
This FAQ for Taiwan earthquake can also be found as I explored CWB. Fun read: FAQ for Earthquake.
Taiwan air quality
News of dust storm affecting Taiwan? Concern with PSI, air quality in Taipei or other areas in Taiwan?
Check Taiwan air pollution
Tip 5.3: Check all about Taiwan’s air quality, pollution in the Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network link, on the right menu.
Taiwan weather for travel
When do Taiwan traveler do a “weather check”?
Some common scenarios might be:
• When there is travel advisory issued against traveling to Taiwan..
• When there are news reported in the media of such environmental issues in Taiwan..
• When you are traveling to Taipei Taiwan and want to keep tab on weather situations there.
Taiwan Central Weather Bureau
Taiwan Central Weather Bureau English site is rich in the island weather and climatic information. Taipei Taiwan travelers, feel free to browse around the various site sections and explore the details.
Some sections though are quite technical and I really would not sweat over them.
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