Taipei weather for you?
Get Taipei, Taiwan weather forecast – with help from Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau.
What is the weather in Taipei today? For the coming week? What about weather in other parts of Taiwan island – especially the places you plan to tour?
How about typhoons, cold front and any other environmental concerns? Track them here!

Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau
For Taiwan’s CWB English pages, open this weblink in your browser:
Keep this CWB site open. Let’s see how we can get the various weather forecasts for Taipei and other parts of Taiwan:
1. Taipei weather today – and tomorrow
See Taipei weather today: In the CWB site you just opened, right there in North Area > Taipei City.
That’s the forecast: Temperature in degree Celsius, weather in graphic form and even an interesting “comfort” index.
Want more Taipei weather forecast details?
• Click on either the Taipei Citylink (tip 1) or..
• Point to Taipei City in the Taiwan island map, then click it (tip 1).
2. Taipei and Taiwan weather in the next 7 days
On the right menu, see Related Information then 7-days Forecasts. Click it for the week’s weather forecast (tip 2).
You’ll see the forecast for Taipei and other areas in the island, including Penghu, Jinmen and Matsu areas.

Get more Taiwan weather forecast in these next posts:
3. Taiwan island weather
4. Taiwan weather in the island’s tourist scenic spots
5. Taiwan typhoon, earthquake, air quality and others
Enrich your Taipei Taiwan travel planning
From Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau site, you travelers can now get weather forecasts on Taipei and Taiwan, and other weather-related info conveniently.
Have fun!