STOP! Before you ask us..
We are NOT related to Taiwan Visitor’s Association.
We do NOT know their latest freebies or brochures. Thank you.
“Ni hao (你好), TVA..”
In unmistakable Taiwanese Mandarin, the Taiwanese lady manning the counter answered the phone.
Another caller has called to ask details about collecting travel freebie for touring Taiwan.
On a day in January 2013, my wife and I had dropped in Taiwan Visitor’s Association office at Chevron House, Raffles Place, Singapore.

What is the Taiwan tour freebie now?
We do not know.
Taiwan Tourism Bureau do publish a simple page of freebie for each travel season. But due to stocks availability and other reasons, TVA offices in each country usually do not give out the freebie as stipulated in the site.
How to know what freebie you can get?
The best way is this: Call up TVA office (in Singapore or your country, if available).
1. is NOT TVA.
2. We are NOT related in any way to Taiwan Visitor’s Association to update you on their latest Taiwan travel promotions.
We are free and easy travelers to Taiwan—just like you!