Alert: NO ETips E-Newsletter for now..
Update, dear travelers – 12 July 2013..
We have just relocated (again) to new premises:
• ETips our ENewsletter is still on hold till further notice.
• EBook Taiwan Night Market Alive! is work in progress.
We have been relocating our residence and business!
Because of tremendous difficulties at home, we are moving.

Sign up our emailing list – but NO ETips E-Newsletter for now, dear travelers..
Pic: Toilet restaurant, Ximending, Taipei City. ;)
In this challenging period,
You subscribers will NOT be receiving ETips our fortnightly E-Newsletter—from now (15 Feb) till May (?) or later.
Yes, you will still get your FREE Taiwan Mini EBook when you sign up our free ETips E-newsletter.
ETips will be back soon, dear travelers!
When life throws sh-tty stuff at us, we..
We will move on, shall we?
EBooks, new web sites are in the making.
Thanks for your kind support,
David Wee :)
Picture: Sundaes in squat bowl containers; Toilet Restaurant at Ximending entertainment zone, Taipei City.