It finally happened.
We were near the end of our 8-days Taipei tour.
The quietude in our Taipei hotel room that chilly winter night was shattered. My older nephew was perturbed and turned to his brother beside him.
“Cutie, cutie, what sound is that?”
“Got meh?” Came the reply from the younger boy.
“Got! Got! You hear.. Like got one funny sound like that..!”
Rick the older boy affirmed anxiously, in their familiar Singlish. *
The pair of brothers traveling Taipei with us was suddenly unsettled.
Seconds ago, they were lying on layers of comforter and blankets, on spacious wood platform beside the window.
While the hotel television lulled them to sleep, the perceptive Rick had suddenly noticed an aural presence.
What was that sound? It was loud, has a strange rhythm. Whatever it was it grew increasing louder at times.
It was right there in our hotel room!
It was not from the television. Or outside the hotel room.
What was really eerie was that the noise sounded strangely like a tune of some kind!
The boys were getting afraid. The Taipei tour has been fantastic thus far. Nothing untoward, till now?
Was something similar to those bone-chilling tales they heard from their mom happening right there in our hotel room?

Do they alert my wife and myself? Should they check things out?
“What is it ah, what is it ah?” The boys mumbled.
They sat up in unison. Their eyes darting about the hotel suite to catch any possible source of the eerie tune.
“The sound is like coming from that side!” Suddenly, Cutie the younger nephew reported to his brother.
He was pointing in the direction where he correctly heard the tune from. The boys stood up and hurried over.
The eeriely-rhythmic tune continued.
“Ka.. Kaorrgh..”
“Hee.. Heeww..”
Yes! That was the mysterious tune!
My wife and I were on the Queen-sized bed. Both stretched out beneath the comforter.
Unmovable like corpses and in deep slumber.
Both of us were snoring loudly in an uncanny rhythm!
The boys broke into giggles. They scanned the totally immersive sight. In relief and cheekiness.
Rick later related the incident to my wife the next morning.
In his words he described the funny harmonic tune this way.
“It was really like uncle snoring out – and aunt breathing it all in!”
* I apologize for the “Singapore English” (Singlish) used here.
The dialogue happened as we recalled, and faithfully reproduced for you here. My wife soon explained to the nephews: Of course we were deep in slumber and snoring away. We were dead tired from taking care of them and our Taipei tour everyday!
Had fun with this first muse of our Taiwan travel? Stay tune for more! 😉