“Hey, let’s just head on a trip to Taiwan – right now!”
I exclaimed to my wife. Had I flipped or what?
It was many months ago. That morning, I had been reading online of a Singaporean lady who shared of her trip in Taiwan.

And I had just started on the third paragraph when I expressed how moved I was!
More accurately, I do not know whether to laugh or cry – or both – as I ingested the details of this young lady’s 10-day Taiwan trip.
Laugh or cry along?
Why laugh? Because such positive enthusiasm and humor were infectiously oozing from between the lines of her travel tale.
Why cry? Because if someone in her circumstances did what she did – it was no easy feat at all!
How one traveller tour Taiwan with heart.
Subsequently I contacted the traveller Hazel. Asked if she would mind sharing her Taiwan travel story with the fans of TaipeiDreams.
Travel Taipei, Taiwan – with your heart.
That’s what TaipeiDreams and EatTaipei are built on. What better way to know what touring with heart is, than by reading how one young lady has toured Taiwan – from her wheelchair!
A tour where experiencing is what truly counted.
Putting herself in a place foreign, among the local people and activities. Synergizing with her fellow travellers to go where they go, experience what they do.
Freeing her heart, mind and senses to receive the buzz and life around her and even beyond – to places where her wheelchair could not.
For you – this is Hazel’s story.
Upon my request, Hazel agreed to share her story. To help inspire travellers: Those visiting Taiwan with their hearts. Those who love to travel. Regardless of travelling from a wheelchair or not.
P.S. I did minimal editing to Hazel’s writings. Watch out for Singlish and Singaporean expressions. Raw and fun.
Be inspired – no matter if you laugh or cry. 😉
Taiwan traveler please note..
The articles appearing in the next links are works of a guest poster. Reproduced with permission for you here. The opinions expressed in her story are hers. Neither myself nor TaipeiDreams endorse the opinions expressed.
A warm welcome to Hazel’s Taiwan travel stories. Enjoy:
December 9, 2009 @ 3:35 am
Excellent website about Taiwan. I would love to visit there again.
December 12, 2009 @ 9:56 am
Thanks for your kind compliment, Ken.
U have an interesting blog too! 🙂
I really hope these Tales & Tips on touring Taipei Taiwan here may inspire & enrich U when U plan your trips and visit the island.
Enjoy moments of joy & rejuvenation in your retirement!
Dave 🙂
January 30, 2011 @ 6:42 am
My husband and I are scheduled to travel to taiwan in few days time. But too bad he hurts his leg last few days. If we want to go on with the trip, he needs to rely on wheelchair. I want to know how safe to travel around with wheelchair. He is 90 kg and I am half of his size, so impossible to push him at steep area.
January 31, 2011 @ 4:38 pm
The concluding post of this special Wheelchair series will be most helpful, Unlucky:
Happy touring! 🙂