Immerse To Tour Taiwan With Responsive!
Tour Taiwan in your smart mobile toys!
TaipeiDreams is now re-designed to be RESPONSIVE.
This means you can now experience touring Taiwan richly – in your smart phone, tablet, laptop and other mobile gadgets!

Tour Taiwan with TaipeiDreams now responsively-designed – for your mobile gadgets! Pic: Bitan scenic spot, Taipei.
1. Tour Taiwan where and when you want!
With TaipeiDreams responsive, you can now view this WebZine beautifully and explore effectively..
No matter what kind of cool mobile device you surf from!
Try this: Resize your browser now?
On your tablet or laptop, click and drag the lower right corner of your browser.
You will still enjoy a beautiful WebZine – “responsively” resized, re-styled for your smart mobile toys!
2. Obtain travel tips – better organised!
What good are Taiwan travel tips buried in a thick messy blog?
Try this:
Click “NEWest Stuff” link in Home page?
See the freshest posts, instantly.
Mouse over “Menu” button?
Check out WebZine essentials – or it will hide out of your way.
Find stuff using the Search box?
Search TaipeiDreams from every page except Home.
3. Immerse instantly into touring Taiwan!
Imagine you are in Taiwan – with our slide shows.
Try now: Click Slide Show icon (see pic)?
Feel Taiwan in vivid colours, full screen!
Not just 1 slide show in the Home page, but 1 for EVERY topic:
• Re-live memories of Taiwan you have toured.
• Experience Taiwan visually before your foot step on Taiwanese soil.
Come soak in TaipeiDreams – with your smart mobile gadgets!