What Is Eat Taipei!
What is EatTaipei?
EatTaipei is a permanent special feature in TaipeiDreams.
It is a rich topic giving you:
1. Funny reviews on Taiwanese food and dining.
2. Smart tourist eating tips and muse.
Who are we?
My wife and I of TaipeiDreams.com, from Singapore:
1. We toured a location in Taipei, Taiwan.
2. We discovered and tried a local food or drink.
3. We tasted and dined – just like you, a traveler would.
4. We share fun reviews of what we had – here in EatTaipei!
Check out: LOL Star Rating fun we made so you see what we like (or do not like) about what we ate and drank in Taiwan.

FAQ: What fun can you have in EatTaipei – bonus feature from TaipeiDreams.com?
Pic: My wife and I on wood deck of Yeliu Geo Park, Taiwan.
Any problem eating in Taiwan then?
Yes we eat and review—despite 2 real eating problems:
1. My wife is allergic to certain Chinese herbs.
We check each Taiwanese herbal soup or dish carefully!2. With a fragile gastrointestinal system, I eat:.
• No dairy or innards.
• Low in greasy, buttery, honey, sourish ingredients.
• Moderate in coffee, chilli spices, honey, hard-to-digest foods like glutinous rice and etc..
Any advantage?
This one: We are Chinese Singaporeans. So Chinese cuisine in Taiwan is much familiar!
Free goodies from EatTaipei?
Taiwan food wallpapers in your mobile phone and computer!
Download our yummilicious Taiwan food pictures in the posts. Cheer up your laptop or mobile phone!
Agree (or not) with our funny food reviews?
No worries. Always keep in your heart, fellow travelers:
• NO food, person or business is slighted.
Yes, even when we received nasty service!• Views and emotions are mine or the author’s.
Taste is much subjective. Agree or disagree; better still—try the Taiwan foods reviewed for yourself!• Enough pain and abuse in the offline world.
Let us NOT add more online, shall we? :)
Welcome to EatTaipei!
Enjoy EatTaipei – a bonus feature from TaipeiDreams.com.
Tour Taiwan lazy but smart—in this hilarious, delicious world of food and eating in Taipei, Taiwan!