Tour Taiwan light and happy!
Free your Taiwan travel – sweat less over your luggage loads!
Do you always knew you ought to travel light? You would really like to.. But perhaps you are not so sure how to do just that. Or worse, you had tried in previous trips – and failed!
Whether you are traveling Taiwan free and easy on your own, or with a packaged tour, these clever and practical tips will be helpful.
Discover the benefits and joys of touring light! Here’s how:
Free your Taiwan travel - sweat less over luggage loads!
1. Begin with lightweight luggage bags!
A smart tip to begin: Travel with light luggage.
Other than styling and design, baggage carriers and cases now come in a good variety of materials.
Luggage materials which are tough for travel yet easy on the weighing scale!
Choose from fabric, nylon (normal to even ballistic!) to fiber glass – all weighing much less than say, hardcase luggage!
2. Wear, tour, throw travel clothes!
Pack old clothes you will wear when traveling Taiwan – then discard them during the trip.
For families, kids, elderly, solo backpackers or just about any traveler, this amazingly simple tip will free up much space – and weight, in your luggage!
2 other benefits from this travel light tip:
2. Get space in your travel bags to bring home your shopping buys and gifts!
3. Travel free and light with foldable bags!
Tour Taiwan with pocket-sized, light, expand to use, foldable bags.
When use as backup and extra carriers for your Taiwan trip, folding bags serve well:
• To carry essential items for short and day trips;
• To carry your shopping buys back home conveniently and strong!
Lighten your Taiwan tour load with these tips! Have fun!