Taiwan travel escapade works in progress..
Yes, dear fellow Taiwan traveler, TaipeiDreams is upgrading.
All those talk I shared about making this web site more helpful, more entertaining – the works are in progress right now.
Better Taiwan travel tips & tales - in an upgraded TaipeiDreams! :-)
Better Taiwan travel from within..
As you’ll see: It will be more than a new logo and website design.
The revamp is from within. I am refining the purposes from which I created this Taiwan travel site.
Also re-thinking, re-working the content I share and pen – so that they may better cater to the needs of you email subscribers. You cool fans who have been faithfully enjoying TaipeiDreams for close to 2 years now.
Meanwhile, the articles will come in regularly every weekend. Forgive me if they reach you a day or two late. :-)
How will you inspire 2010?
Incidentally, this is the first working week of the New Year.
What will you inspire 2010 with? How about a love for life? Expressed in this love for travelling? Touring and revisiting Taipei city, Taiwan island?
Thank you for your patience and support. Watch here to see TaipeiDreams transform. For you. :-)