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Watch Typhoon Morakot In Taiwan YouTube Videos!

Be moved, Taiwan travelers!

See how Taiwan battle the Typhoon Morakot.

While researching Typhoon Morakot, I came across a handful of good videos online. Video clips from YouTube capturing the typhoon in action in Taiwan..

... Be moved - watch these videos of the storm & the (human) spirit! ...

In a matter of days, Typhoon Morakot has arrived on 8 August 2009, ravaged through Taiwan and left.

Typhoon Morakot was one of the worst natural disasters the island has experienced!

Watch these moving video clips. Marvel in awe the power of nature in all her strength and destructiveness. Watch the human spirit prevail as they battled the typhoon.

• Taiwan island standing down – before the storm!

Taiwan locked down in preparation for Typhoon Morakot. Do you know Morakot means “emerald” in Thai? See the “eye” of Typhoon Morakot and other satellite images! CNN Breaking News reported:


• Bracing for disaster and bravery in rescue!

The island braced for the typhoon as reported by Steve Chao of Al Jazeera English.. Even a ship got stranded in the stormy weather! See the rescue work bravely executed:


• Taipei city shutting down for Morakot..

Taipei the capital city prepared for the typhoon as reported by NDTV. Taiwan weather bureau issued land and sea warnings:


• Storm Chaser in eye of Morakot!

British storm chaser Dave Johnson trying to intercept the eye of Morakot as the it passed by in Hualien county. A curious phenomenon happened – swarms of giant dragonflies arrived:


• Hotel collapsed into heavy seas!

A multi-storeyed hotel in Chipen, Taitung county popular for its hotsprings has collapsed into the wildly rising seas! I wonder who were the cheering(?) crowds heard in the clip? News reported in Chinese:


• Bridge destroyed by troubled water?

A 300 metres section of Shuangyuan bridge leading from Kaohsiung to Pingtung was broken and destroyed by the typhoon! Even the locals could not believe the news! News reported in Chinese:


• More footage raw and real!

Raw video footage of Chipen hotel collapse and broken Shuangyuan bridge and other rescue work.. See those chillingly ferocious waters:


• Rain rain go away!

Record level of rain causing widespread flooding in southern Taiwan. Locals using empty bottles as floats even as rescue work mounted:


Are you (or someone you know) in Taiwan now?

Meanwhile, if you or people you know are in Taiwan these while, do take note to..

• Stay aware of Taiwan weather.

Keep updated of news report concerning danger areas to avoid after the typhoon. Catch up on news on television, your hotel, radio, the internet.

See this tip series on monitoring Taipei Taiwan weather.

• Avoid Taiwan mountainous areas.

Landslides after a typhoon are common occurrences. Avoid mountainous areas you planned to travel. Also, stay far from the coastal sights.

• Travel familiar Taiwan.

Avoid remote rural areas you may have initially planned to explore.
Stay with the popular tourist destinations (unless cautioned against from news reports). Stick to familiar sights around city areas and routes you are familiar with and so on..

• Enjoy the post-typhoon weather in Taiwan.

Ironically, it is known that the days after a typhoon usually bring weather cool and fair.

Taiwan traveler, please take note..

Fellow Taiwan visitors, here is something I felt specially to highlight and share with you:

• Continue your Taipei Taiwan tour.

Buying, shopping, eating. Life continues for the locals and their businesses. Continue your life as a Taiwan traveler. By doing so you support the island economy, continuing in the vibrancy of life that the Taiwanese live in.

With deepest regards..

These may be news plain and distant, especially for those of us who do not live in Taiwan or live in places where typhoons rage. The aftermath is more real and grim. Grief and loss need to be settled. Lives need to be rebuilt.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the typhoon.

P.S. See the action, my dear readers. These are good YouTube video clips. You can watch the clips by clicking and playing them right within this story. Or you can also right-click to watch them in YouTube.com

If you watch these clips on YouTube, take note that you’re away from TaipeiDreams. Thus, stuff like viewer’s comments, added advertising, onsite links and etc in those YouTube pages are not within my management and control.

This is an added assurance of responsibility I take to safeguard you – when I link you to good related content outside of this travelogue. Enjoy. :-)


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  1. Roy Ng (minghui79) says:

    Hi Dave (TA),

    It was quite touching last evening as I watched the tyhoon news on Channel 8. President Ma Ying Jiu was in Taitung and a grown up man was pleading and crying out in front of him asking Mr Ma to “save his father!”

    Normally, I don’t pay much attention to diaster news. Somehow, I was following quite closely with the recent typhoon episode. Probably, it was hitting Taiwan badly this time round and this was one of the places I had wonderful memories in all my years of travelling. I always remember the warm and friendly locals who always made our day.

    Thanks for putting the videos together. My heart goes out to all the Taiwanese affected. And yes, I will certainly visit Taiwan soon.

  2. TA says:

    Glad to see U here, Minghui. Thks for yr kind words too!

    Yup, Typhoon Morakot was the worst Taiwan has seen for years..
    The aftermath, the path of devastation it left, its effect on the environment, people, economy – the island in her entirety – are left to be managed & settled.

    This will take time, funds, efforts. With lots of sweat & tears alongside.

    Indeed, our hearts are with the bereaved. Our cheers are with those managing rescue & recovery.

    Dave :-)

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