Happy Chinese New Year – See TaipeiDreams Past, Now & Future!
Xin nian kuai le!
This means “happy new year” in Chinese, a phrase I would have greeted you in – if we have met anytime in the last 15 days.
... Do U love to travel? Or tour Taipei, Taiwan? Welcome! ...
Yesterday (Monday, 9 February) was Yuan Xiao Jie – the 15th day of the Chinese New Year. Yuan Xiao Jie marks the end of the Chinese New Year festive season.
As the festivities draw to a close, and especially that it is still the start of a brand new year, I am in quiet reflection – of TaipeiDreams and my readers..
How far has TaipeiDreams come from? Where are we now and what more fun lie ahead? Will you come take a peek? :-)
I have a (Taiwan) dream
1. I conceived and registered the domain name TaipeiDreams.com on 26 November 2007.
2. TaipeiDreams.com as a blog marked my first – and serious – taste of blogging, with a cool blogging platform WordPress. Pardon me, I could not trace the exact date TaipeiDreams began!
3. Tour Taiwan 2008. I dreamed up a vision to bring my wife to revisit Taiwan and introduce our nephews to the island fun. Tour Taiwan 08 was an amazing reality accomplished – in much joy and fun, on 19 to 26 November 2008!
4. TaipeiDreams.com now has taken on new theme (blog design), fresher style and presentation – to give you the captivating experience “touring” Taipei, Taiwan online!
More Taiwan fun for you in the coming months?
1. Benefit from a better selection of sponsored links and advertisements.Services useful to visitors touring Taipei, Taiwan, as well as travellers to other destinations.
2. Be touched, be excited by more Taiwan links. Links of netizens and their passionate sharings of living and loving Taiwan.
3. Freebies for my blog readers! For a start, get wallpapers of standard and even widescreen styles – instant inspiration right on your computer screen for those moments you crave an escape from work (and routine life)!
For you dear TaipeiDreams fans and readers
I am glad you discovered TaipeiDreams and are tuning in here regularly for your travel inspiration. Thank you.
Here’s wishing you and your loved ones,
A Lunar New Year of
and Love.
These to me, are the essence of true wealth! Happy 2009!
A fan of Taiwan, a friend from Singapore,
TA :-)