2 Keys To Make Your Marriage Proposal in Taipei A Success!

Prepare for your “will you marry me?” dream?

Ready to pursue your dream – proposing for marriage in Taipei?

With no lack of crazy how-to-propose ideas within this fun series, I trust you will be ready! But wait – check out these 2 keys first!

"A life together. Bridal photoshoot in Dan Shui."

…A life together. Bridal photoshoot in Dan Shui...

1. The key to the proposal:

The Moment.

Remember these pointers..

2. The key to embark on a life together:

The Relationship.

This one is essential for marital bliss, started upon the proposal.

Can’t discuss this topic in this blog, so let’s stay with what we know best here: Touring and enjoying Taiwan!

I’d suggest that these 2 elements are critical.

2 keys complementing each other, unlocking success for the proposal and thereafter!

..Go forth, propose. Yang Ming Shan National Park..

...Go forth, propose. Yang Ming Shan National Park...

You dream of proposing in Taipei. I’ve given you the how-to ideas. You know by now what details to prepare and 2 essential keys to keep in heart..

Go forth and make that marriage proposal in Taipei.

Create your moment magical. A moment uniquely yours.

A moment beginning a life of love together.

P.S. Hey, do drop me a note what you did in your marriage proposal and how things went. Who knows, I may even put up a fun series of what you guys and gals did. Cheers!

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