What’s Your Excuse For Not Traveling Taiwan, Or Anywhere Else?
Why not travel Taiwan soon?
What’s your real reason (or reasons) for not touring Taiwan any time from now?
Ever wonder why a friend gave up his travel plans?
When you postponed your Taiwan trip (planned for years ago!), to some time this year – why was it so? ;-)
Which from this list of excuses or fears or reasons is (or are) holding you from traveling Taiwan or anywhere, anytime soon this year? Have fun knowing! ;-)
Travel Taiwan? What's your real reason for not traveling soon? ;-)
1. No money!
Times are challenging. Global economic slowdown. Inflation in home grounds. Employment woes. Rising daily expenses. All these factors eat into funds set for our travel leisure.
Whether we admit it or not, this tops the list of reasons why one may hold back one’s travel plans.
2. No energy!
Too tired to even travel? Isn’t this so true? For many of us in our rushed modern lives, we are too tired out just struggling with our daily tasks of necessity!
Imagine the efforts needed for pre-travel activities, the trip itself and after-tour activities – are you all tired out just thinking of these!?
3. No wish to meet people!
Travel to be alone? Some of us take our travel time as opportunity to indulge in personal moments of reflection and thought. Meeting people saps our energies. While traveling itself demands much from our physical, emotional energies!
I relished my time luxuriating in our Taipei hotel suite. Do you enjoy yours?
4. Fear of flying!
Do you fear flying? If you do, you are not alone. Do you break out in perspiration just thinking of the flights necessary to get you to and from your travel destination?
Does your legs turn jelly-weak pacing the jetwalk to the plane cabin? ;-)
5. Fear of disaster!
Laugh all you want. This is a real reason some held back from traveling! At times, this fear of disaster is coupled with a fear of flying mentioned earlier (ouch!).
What natural and manmade disasters commonly plague Taiwan? Earthquakes, typhoons, flu pandemic and whatnot!
6. No self confidence!
There are times we travel – as a form of escape. From whatever in life we’re taking a break from. Like it or not, traveling out of our hometown means interacting with people, objects and situations – and lots and lots of such confidence-straining get-out-of-our-inner-selves moments!
For the introvert, or one rehabilitating from personal distress – traveling can be daunting!
7. No mood!
Why travel at all? Things at home, work or personal lives are keeping you really busy and engaged – happily or otherwise!
No mood to “eat air or wind”? In Taiwanese Minan dialect, to “go out of the country eat air (or wind)”, is to be leaving the country in leisure travel. Yet it is definitely much more than merely “eating air / wind”.
To begin, one needs to be in a optimal and happy mood to travel, isn’t it?
What is your REAL reason for not traveling?
What other excuse or reason have this list left out?
So the next time you’re thinking of why you won’t be traveling soon, ask what is it that’s really bothering you – and stopping you from taking that dream trip! :-)
March 15, 2011 @ 10:00 pm
Sadly, just days after I shared this post here, Japan met with her disasters. As Taiwan island is near Japan, many travelers are concerned.
Instantly, reason number 5 becomes all so real and true – it’s almost scary!
March 29, 2011 @ 1:41 pm
I recently cancel my trip (air ticket) to Taiwan after I’ve planned for 1-2 years. Not because of the above reasons at all. It’s due to the month that we’ll be flying co-incide with my delivered due date. due to this, we have to postpone for another 6 months or so very disapointed indeed.
March 31, 2011 @ 12:06 pm
Yup yup, there are definitely other reasons – than these few ideas (cheekily) offered here.
Life calls. We adjust our plans accordingly, don’t we? Great thing is: For U, a bigger event – and greater joy, is coming soon!
Congrats, Angelish! :-)