I am late for October!
Yes, I have been late bringing you my stories here. No, I have not gone moving home again, like I did here. Or have I taken a trip to Taiwan, like my last one here. Definitely it is not that I am running out of juice or ideas to further this travelogue, haha! ;-)
... Are U ready for TaipeiDreams.com refreshed? For travelling with your heart? ...
In-between juggling life at work and at home, I have been working under the hood. Working on making this travelogue more cheerful, fun and helpful. Improving how TaipeiDreams.com look and present inspiration for you who love to travel and touring Taipei Taiwan.
To begin the transformation, I dreamed up a new logo, designed and printed new sets of name cards! See the new logo and look, here around you now? Like what you see?
TaipeiDreams in a nutshell..
Taipei, Taiwan – for the traveller’s heart. This is the focus refined and tightened for TaipeiDreams. This is why I take care not to set up this travelogue to be a place where visitors drop by strictly to read guidebook-style details of Taiwan the island.
So how can you enjoy the island where your traveller details stop? How may you explore the place further with your senses and emotions, intuitive and responsive? Only TaipeiDreams shows you the ways!
Always check out our Fun Topics – this list of TaipeiDreams content and inspiration shared for your heart in Taipei, Taiwan.
Show me TaipeiDreams goodies?
What are some of the goodies the recharged TaipeiDreams has for you? I gave you some glimpses of the future, back then in this story, remember?
Well, things are taking shape as you read!
More and better travel services.
For one, a better selection of sponsored links and advertisements is here throughout TaipeiDreams, providing useful ideas and services for your travelling heart.
Share other Taiwan traveller’s tales – and yours even!
Soon, you can even share your blog or website here – so many others will get to tour Taiwan online and experience the island as you have!
Relive your Taiwan memories – after your tour.
And not forgetting the sister site of TaipeiDreams – TaipeiAlive.com, where you can relive your Taiwan tour in the exciting richness of still and moving images!
Serving more freebies for hearty touring..
Yes, the ebooks, wallpapers, I promised are also in the works!
Ready to travel with your heart?
So welcome my dear fans – to touring Taipei Taiwan with your heart. Welcome to TaipeiDreams refreshed. Into travel stories, tips, that are positive, fun, humorous most times yet serious at others – but always inspiring!
Welcome back to the best way to travel, and to tour Taipei Taiwan – with your heart!
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