Are you afraid to travel?
We travel in crazy times, don’t we? Where crazy things happen. When crazy things happen in crazy proportions!
... Travel safe & strong in today's crazy times! ...
It used to be crime and personal safety we concern ourselves with, when we travel – in Taiwan or elsewhere. Today, these crazy times have been bringing lots more chaos to the table for us! :-P
A new category!
Many months ago, I created a category and named it “Stay Safe. Stay Sane.”
For Stay Safe. Stay Sane. category, I planned to pen articles and stories relating to just staying safe when travelling. Now I have to expand this category to include travelling amid natural and manmade disasters.
Manmade situations such as wide-scale food contamination (remember the tainted milk crisis?), to natural occurences such as earthquakes, epidemics. Or even social situations like mass protests and social unrest. Situations that affect the Taiwan locals, and beyond to all who visit the island for work and play.
What can we do?
What can we do to ensure the safety of ourselves and our travelling companions, and minimize the effects of these crazy times? When we tour Taipei, Taiwan, or anywhere else?
I sincerely believe there is much we can do. Very briefly, we would:
• Use common sense uncommonly – take necessary precautions.
• Stay updated with information and advice from the relevant authorities.
• Top up with a positive and resilient attitude. A faith on higher strength perhaps. :-)
What should we not do?
Definitely, let us not:
• React with paranoia and immobilizing fear. ;-B
Such tremendously trying times test and strain the human spirit. At home or even when one may not be travelling aboard, the gloom and doom can hit one’s spirit hard.
Come what may..
What is the latest alert affecting Taipei, Taiwan and her travellers?
If there is something of a magnitude that I think requires your attention, you will see it featured in this page. As each crisis come and go, we will look at them here.
P.S. You probably know this, that I take much care in making my snapshots here speak in harmony with what I wrote. Took me a while looking through more than 1200 photos from our recent 2 Taiwan trips – before I finally settled on this photo. It was not even a photo on its own, but a part of a snapshot taken in Dan shui old street in November 2008! What feelings does this photo evoke from you?
* If you are new to reading blogs, a “category” is like a topic. A topic where articles (of the same topic) are organised into. For example, the category “Food. Glorious Foods.” gathers together our stories and pictures relating to food and eating in Taiwan.
Travel safe, sane & strong,
Dave :-)
Here are the Stay Safe. Stay Sane. stories:
• Uncle TA’s 3 Rules For His Nephews Visiting Taiwan 08!
• What’s In Our Travel Bag When Touring Taiwan 08?
• List Of Medical Items For Touring Taiwan 08..
• Watch Typhoon Morakot In Taiwan YouTube Videos!
Stay tuned for more stories..
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Now I know where to find so much Taiwan info! You have covered so much of the country.
I’d like to invite you to join a contest “Win the World’s First Transparent Phone” @ Travelerfolio, in conjunction with LG. Pls drop by to find out more :)
U’re so kind in yr words. Thks Eunice. :-)
I can do without the transparent handphone. Am more glad though to see U dropping by.
U hv an inspiring blog there! Well done!
See U around in TaipeiDreams!
TA :-)
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