Have rules will travel?
Very soon, my wife, myself and 2 nephews will be in Taiwan. This will be the first time these kids are in an overseas trip to a country so far from Singapore. We want them to enjoy themselves, and stay safe through it all.
We are in Taiwan as tourists. We are there as guests. Bringing the boys on this overseas trip is an opportunity to educate them in a handful of worthy values. Among of which will be a love of life, the joys of travelling, cooperating with others, personal responsibility and managing themselves at home and abroad.
Whether it will be sheer personal enthusiasm, excitement in travelling, or maybe culture shock in discovering Taiwan – the kids may experience each or all of such intense emotions.
With these 3 rules, the essence of what I intended them to know is clear: Go and enjoy our time together. Uncle has taken great care to take best care of you! :-D
Rule 1: Enjoy, not correct.
We will be in a foreign country. A different place with people, things, behaviours and customs that are simply, different.
In the thick of touring, we need to always keep our presence (and purpose) in mind and heart: that we are in Taiwan to tour, not to tell people what to do. Especially in times we felt fatigued, bewildered, or even misunderstood.
• Observe people, things and activities with respect. Do not make comment hastily, particularly when things are different or seem unfamiliar even strange to us.
• If they are unsure or curious, the boys can always ask uncle or aunty (my wife) to learn about what they see and experienced.
• In all situations, adopt the humble position. When met with unfair, unreasonable behaviour, as much as it depends on us – we will back down.
Rule 2: No one goes anywhere alone.
Undoubtedly, Taiwan is a safe travel destination. There is also apparent safety when we are touring as a group of 4 persons.
Yet, there will be times when different attractions beckon the group to their individual interest. Or when the group needs to split for spontaneous exploring say, a night market, to an obvious reason like a member going to the washroom.
• We will do the buddy system: Each day of the tour, my wife and I will each have a nephew as a “buddy”. An adult and a youth is always paired. My wife and I will take turn to be buddy with one nephew on alternate days.
• At any one time, two persons will be together. Even in say, a little act of making enquiry at a counter round the corner. In the instance when a person go to the washroom, his or her buddy will tag along, even if just to be waiting outside (the washroom).
Rule 3: Speak together.
As much as we stand together, we ought to also “speak together”.
So we can understand one another when touring, and that we may not antagonize the locals, nor dampen our spirit while touring.
This is the rule with the most fun! We will communicate in “disguised” phases..
• To indicate that something is expensive, we say “good/ reasonable price”.
• To signal to the rest to leave a place or establishment, because of overly lousy service, to move away from unwanted soliciting or simply to exit politely, we tell one another “let’s go get some drink/ food”..
Overwhelming rules?
Feel these 3 rules sound overwhelming? Look again: Rule 1 is about our attitude. Rule 2 relates to our physical presence. Rule 3 is about communication. Not to worry, these are not rules set in stone. In fact, we all had our laughs when discussing these rules! ;-)
What about the wife?
To begin with, these 2 boys are among the most independent and self-managed in my large group of nephews and nieces. Having these rules in mind will keep the kids cooperative and responsible for themselves. This actually frees my wife from having to manage them on a (too) tight rein so she can indulge in the tour too!
Serious fun haha!
After I had shared these 3 rules with our group of 4, I believe everyone has a good idea of what to expect. It will be a tour where we will have fun – as much as we can!
A tour where I know my wife and nephews will seriously (oops, pardon the pun) enjoy. In part because uncle has shared with them what to expect and not to do – so now they can be all free to immerse fully into touring and delighting in Taiwan!
Yours truly,
Uncle TA
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