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Memories Alive - Day 5 Revisiting Taipei Nov 08..

A Sunday in vacation
Day 5 was a Sunday. This day was originally reserved for a day trip out of Taipei to Tai Chung.
We had already missed out the park-visiting, people-watching ideas planned for yesterday. Looking at our printed itinerary, we wondered: Where could we join the local crowds on a Sunday outing? [...]

Memories Alive - Day 4 Revisiting Taipei Nov 08..

Back to our plans!
With quite a bit of our tour itinerary altered and amended since our arrival in Taipei, it was time to refer to our printed notes - and get back to what we had meticulously planned!
The weekend has begun. We would get out of Taipei, to the theme parks in the nearby [...]

Memories Alive - Day 3 Revisiting Taipei Nov 08..

Changing plans again?
Our younger nephew was having stomach trouble in the morning. It looked like we might have to amend our itinerary for this Day 3..
The initial plan for the day was to travel out of Taipei to the theme parks in Tao Yuan and Hsin Zhu. Travelling in some hour-long distances by bus [...]

Memories Alive - Day 2 Revisiting Taipei Nov 08..

Tired before the day begins?
Were we all tired today!
It was just day 2 of our tour. We planned to visit Yeh Liu Ocean world, Kee Lung and Ping Xi railroad scenic area today.. It would be lunchtime when we reached Kee Lung. We might not have ample time to explore too many places..
Let us [...]