Island moments..
In the About page, you will read of my times spent in Taiwan – from a working stint back in 1991, to a recent fabulous tour in 2008.
... My time in Taiwan. Since 1991 till today. ...
This will be the page where I list my visits and times spent playing and exploring on this island.
You get updated and in-depth stories from my experiences in Taiwan, as I share with you stories and snapshots – original, fun and inspiring!
Starting from my latest visit..
Memories Alive. Taipei 2008.
• November 2008. 8-days Taiwan tour.
My wife and I brought our 2 nephews for a taste of Taiwan – and oh boy, were they hooked from this 8-days tour!
Honeymoon. Overdue.
• September to October 2006. 7-days Honeymoon Taipei.
I returned to Taipei after 15 years – bringing my wife for her very first visit! This was what we called the trip: Honeymoon Taipei!
Lonely Here. 15 Years Ago.
• February to July 1991 Hsinzhu county.
Working for 6 months and 2 weeks in my first work stint overseas – also my first encounter with Taiwan!
Enjoy TaipeiDreams and TaipeiAlive!
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