Conversations memorable!
What had the locals said to us as Taiwan tourists?
... In a sea of locals, who had U shared with as a tourist? ...
What stayed in your mind as you recall memories from your travel? Some of these special moments were definitely fleeting ones! Like these snippets of interactions my group and I had with the locals in Taiwan during our November 08 tour
What the locals said and why
What transpired to begin the interactions? How did things wrap up? You will read the hows and whys – plus the surprises within.. In this page, I will share of the (many) conversations memorable, as I recalled from our 8-days in Taiwan. Here is the list.
Have an earful of fun! ;-)
P.S. Wherever possible, I chose not to show (large identifiable) faces of individuals mentioned in my stories – those of ourselves or others. Simply out of respect for the individual’s privacy online.
Taiwanese talk: 20 stories
The list of stories as I pen, and update here:
1. “Can you help me down the train?”
2. “Do you want me to cut them into halves?”
3. “Xie xie guang ling!”
4. “Sorry..”
5. “Yes, fish paste and flour.”
6. “Ke yi ya!”
7. “Beh!”
8. “No problem.. Guess we all Asians look alike..”
9. “Do U want to take a photo of them (in their car)?”
10. “Come, see how you were like..”
11. “Please take a flyer from me..”
12. “Are you a Japanese tourist?”
13. “Let go of the door!”
14. “Singapore? So how was it..?”
15. “Your mom is really pretty..”
16. “The (camera) tripod is cute.”
17. “Let me take them to the counter for you!”
18. “Call this number if the cabbie..”
19. “Xie xie..”
20. “Enjoy yourselves. Have a safe flight.”
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